My films

Tordenfilm/Thunderstory (2023)

Violence Begets Violence. A film About a Witch Killing a Scarecrow.

The film is made with the original music by Steinar Starholm.

Den siste dagen/The Last Day (2018)

The old man wakes up after another night with nightmares. Someone is trying to play on his old and out of tuned-piano.

Red & Silver (2016)

A Film about Flying, Falling, and Finding a Friend. 

Red makes a journey from the south to north, from warm to cold, from light to dark. Then there is Silver…

Heartattack (1997)

A Film About the Condition of Love in Time of Media & Fashion.

My second film was made with a grant from NFI, while I still was at NRK.

Tango Caramba (1992)

A Film About Love That Don’t Come True. But Life Has Other Events In Store.

My first film was made as a kind of development project while working at NRK.